Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Each One Teach One: Camera Phone

  According to an article by EETimes the first commercial camera phone was released to the public in 2000. This camera phone was not released in the United States, but it was actually released in Japan. The company that had sent this new camera phone to the public is named J-mobile. Camera phones now compared to the camera phones that were first released have many differences. One main difference that they had in regards to the camera is the number of megapixels. Camera phones or smartphones now such as Apple for example the new iPhone 13 has a 12-megapixel camera and up to 63 megapixels for the panorama option. The cameras on the camera phone back in 2000 had only .1 megapixels according to an EETimes article. In the United States, the camera phone wasn’t released until 2004 by Sprint. The man behind creating the camera phone in the United States goes by Philippe Khan.

Now we know where the first commercial camera phone was released but the bigger question is why it was released. I am going to be focusing on the first camera phone in the United States designed by Philippe Khan. Philippe Khan was inspired by the birth of his daughter when creating the first camera phone. June 11th, 1997 Khan was the first person to upload a photo of his newborn daughter to the internet in real-time by using a system connected from his digital camera and his phone. This connection is what sparked the idea for what was the camera phone. Khan’s camera phone was not released to the public until 2000.

        With the invention of the camera phone in the United States, Philippe Khan wanted to solve his problem of real-time sharing. Philippe Khan want to share pictures of his newborn baby with his friends and family as it was happening right in front of him. I guess one could say that the real problem is solved with the invention of the camera phone was staying connected with friends and family in real-time. By posting pictures or sending them immediately, instead of printing out pictures off a digital camera then mailing them to family who may live far away or even waiting for that family to visit to see pictures of what you did on vacation, your newborn child, or even what color you painted a room you are able to stay connected with loved ones. 

It is obvious that the camera phone has grown tremendously throughout the years but what effects has the camera phone had on society up until now. Obviously, over the years, we have seen an increase in camera technology when it comes to phones. By having a camera on our phones and using pictures to share what we see and hear every day people have come accustomed to “seeing is believing” but not everything you see you can believe. 

As the camera phone has become more advanced along with technology the impact that it has made on society can be positive and negative. The camera phone has allowed many people to stay connected with their friends and family by sending pictures, posting them online, or having an easy place to store photos for quick access. The hassle of getting photographs developed or downloading them to a computer for printing is all at the touch of a button. It can be easy to get wrapped up in the good and fun parts of a camera phone but what some people may not realize is that the invention of the camera phone along with the ever-growing industry and technology has changed many industries one being the digital camera industry. By having a camera in your pocket there was less need for big bulky cameras and with technology advancing, cameras in these phones have become so high quality they are just as capable of capturing an image in the same way as most digital cameras.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Eight Values of Free Expression

    Each one of the values of expression offer sound opinion and fact. From looking at the eight values of free expression I found that I resonate with a couple of them. On of them that I feel as though i resonate with most because it is something that i see almost every day is Individual self-fulfillment. According to this article of the Eight Values of expression individual self-fulfillment is what allows a person to create their own identity and personality, by having the ability to speak freely and tell the world how you want to be viewed rather than let the world tell you how you are viewed is a powerful thing that makes society strong. Like previously stated this is something that I can see almost every day mostly on social media. When it comes to speech being the way a person forms their identity or hears other peoples identities the LGBTQ+ community is showing us all over social media what having a voice and telling the world who they are. These expressions were not create for the people not to use, this is our right as the public, it is our right to have a voice, and it is our right to say whatever we want.

    Not only do I resonate with the self-fulfillment expression, I also have connections with some of the other values. For one I believe that marketplace of ideas is so important to our society today. Marketplace of ideas could be best explained by saying that the society wants to know both sides, even if we do not know which side is the truth. We as a society need to be able to talk through the truth and the lies, the good and the bad in order to make informed decision whether that be for our own personal lives, pertaining to politics, or any decision you have to make. 

    Just like self-fulfillment promoting innovations is used every day or a common understanding everyone has when they are saying anything. Promoting innovations is somewhat personal to me. This is something that resonates very close to me because the list of values states under Promoting innovations “A community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society.” Being able to physically see the change that happens when someone does not hold back a thought or opinion that they feel so passionately about brings me joy. The passion of having this voice the fire that comes from speaking your own mind is what allows a person to be creative and become more energized. It is not only about what was said but about the community that has spoken about the same thing as well feeling a sense of belonging when something that has been running through a persons head and it is finally said. This is what drives a person to extraordinary individual within the society.
     I think this is so interesting because looking at the protests we have had, the walks, and the parades society as a whole has an amazing way of communicating and using their freedom of speech to create remarkable things. Even though all eight of these values pertain to the same thing they all have very different meanings that couldn't work without one another.

Monday, March 21, 2022

The Supreme Court

    I thought I knew enough about the supreme court and all branches of government but after reading the supreme court article I have found I didn’t know as much as I thought I did. One thing that really surprised me that I did not know already was the fact that the Supreme Court holds power over the other branches, and not only does it hold power the Supreme Court has jurisdiction over all of the laws that are in the united states. I had originally thought that the presidential branch of government was ultimately the one with the most power over the laws within the United States. This definitely makes sense that the supreme court holds the power over the laws and how constitutional they are instead of giving the power to one person you have a team of delegates who can vote fairly on the laws. 

    The most important key take away I believe to be about the supreme court is the fact that the media has kind of changed the view of how we the people see and understand the supreme court. In the video the justices speak about how the media will say “the supreme court today upheld, or the supreme court today ordered” when in reality the supreme court doesn’t make decisions such as this or this is not the way in which decisions are made. To me this seemed like a very important take away from the video because of how the media is altering the public’s view of how the supreme court works.

    While watching the video my thoughts of the supreme court changed. I originally did not know very much about the supreme court or any government branch for that matter. By watching this video and ready the article I was able to grasp a clear idea of what the supreme court actually does and not just think of the supreme court in a broad fashion. I feel like I have a lot of respect for the nine justices and the whole supreme court because of the work that is needed to hold that job. I feel as though that learning exactly how the supreme court works and processes really caused for some surprise. I was unaware that the Supreme Court is “the most powerful judicial body on earth” this seemed crazy to me because the federal court or presidential branch I thought held the most power.

5 News Sources

 There are many different news sources in the world today and many people have their own opinions about each one. In my opinion there are five news sources that I feel as though I get the best and most reliable information.

    The source that I use the most to get the most up to date information about what is going on in the world today is NBC news. The reason that I trust this news channel is because of the political background of the channel itself. Certain news outlets have a certain political stance that can sway the information given to the public. NBC news is known more as a neutral news station according to Pew research center. I would recommend this news source to everyone because I feel as though they are reliable and less bias with the information the relay to the public.

Social media is more than likely not a reliable source to use when looking for information about the world around you. This is simply for the fact that social media platform are a public domain that house many differing opinions and facts about what may be happening during a certain time. Although social media platforms may not be the most reliable, I find that it is a great way to learn about new topics. One social media site I find to be most interesting when learning about new topics is Twitter.

Another source that I really enjoy using is Google News. I like to use this site in the same sense as twitter. If I don’t watch the news for a few days or feel like I need to be caught up with what is going on in the world I feel as though Google News is the way to go. This platform is very easy to use and allows you to view major headlines as well as see other companies news stories on the headline like CNN or Fox News.

The Wall Street Journal is also a great news source to use. I enjoy using this platform because it is well known and greatly prized publication according to Britannica. One of the big factors to use this news source is simply because of the coverage it gives you and the wide variety of publications it includes. From stocks, politics, major headlines, and more it is truly a highly renowned source for information.

CNN is another good news source I have tended to use in the past, not so much anymore. I use to use CNN as my main news source in high school just because it was a quick way for me to get the informational highlights of what was going on around me. I would always love the digital shorts that they have on their website where you can quickly get information or understand a headline better. These are all great reasons why I think someone should use this channel as a news source especially if you don’t have much time in the morning or evening.

All these sources I believe are great to use and have little bias when it comes to political opinion. Although there are many different types of sources out their which everyone may have their own opinion about but it doesn’t hurt to try a new one or test the waters with just simply staying up to date with the latest headlines instead of sitting watching the tv.

    Hello, my name is Abigail Gibb. I am originally from Wilmington, North Carolina but currently attend school at High Point University where I am studying social media and digital communications. I enjoy learning new things in and out of the classroom which allows me to put my focus on the material and work at hand during the school week. Outside of class I enjoy seeing friends and taking part in my sorority. I hope to get more involved with campus organizations to gain a better connection with the community around me as well as find new hobbies. By focusing on my work and building connections I am hoping to get a job or internship after graduation that allows me to take what I have learned here at High Point University and make it something great.