Monday, March 21, 2022

5 News Sources

 There are many different news sources in the world today and many people have their own opinions about each one. In my opinion there are five news sources that I feel as though I get the best and most reliable information.

    The source that I use the most to get the most up to date information about what is going on in the world today is NBC news. The reason that I trust this news channel is because of the political background of the channel itself. Certain news outlets have a certain political stance that can sway the information given to the public. NBC news is known more as a neutral news station according to Pew research center. I would recommend this news source to everyone because I feel as though they are reliable and less bias with the information the relay to the public.

Social media is more than likely not a reliable source to use when looking for information about the world around you. This is simply for the fact that social media platform are a public domain that house many differing opinions and facts about what may be happening during a certain time. Although social media platforms may not be the most reliable, I find that it is a great way to learn about new topics. One social media site I find to be most interesting when learning about new topics is Twitter.

Another source that I really enjoy using is Google News. I like to use this site in the same sense as twitter. If I don’t watch the news for a few days or feel like I need to be caught up with what is going on in the world I feel as though Google News is the way to go. This platform is very easy to use and allows you to view major headlines as well as see other companies news stories on the headline like CNN or Fox News.

The Wall Street Journal is also a great news source to use. I enjoy using this platform because it is well known and greatly prized publication according to Britannica. One of the big factors to use this news source is simply because of the coverage it gives you and the wide variety of publications it includes. From stocks, politics, major headlines, and more it is truly a highly renowned source for information.

CNN is another good news source I have tended to use in the past, not so much anymore. I use to use CNN as my main news source in high school just because it was a quick way for me to get the informational highlights of what was going on around me. I would always love the digital shorts that they have on their website where you can quickly get information or understand a headline better. These are all great reasons why I think someone should use this channel as a news source especially if you don’t have much time in the morning or evening.

All these sources I believe are great to use and have little bias when it comes to political opinion. Although there are many different types of sources out their which everyone may have their own opinion about but it doesn’t hurt to try a new one or test the waters with just simply staying up to date with the latest headlines instead of sitting watching the tv.

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