Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Eight Values of Free Expression

    Each one of the values of expression offer sound opinion and fact. From looking at the eight values of free expression I found that I resonate with a couple of them. On of them that I feel as though i resonate with most because it is something that i see almost every day is Individual self-fulfillment. According to this article of the Eight Values of expression individual self-fulfillment is what allows a person to create their own identity and personality, by having the ability to speak freely and tell the world how you want to be viewed rather than let the world tell you how you are viewed is a powerful thing that makes society strong. Like previously stated this is something that I can see almost every day mostly on social media. When it comes to speech being the way a person forms their identity or hears other peoples identities the LGBTQ+ community is showing us all over social media what having a voice and telling the world who they are. These expressions were not create for the people not to use, this is our right as the public, it is our right to have a voice, and it is our right to say whatever we want.

    Not only do I resonate with the self-fulfillment expression, I also have connections with some of the other values. For one I believe that marketplace of ideas is so important to our society today. Marketplace of ideas could be best explained by saying that the society wants to know both sides, even if we do not know which side is the truth. We as a society need to be able to talk through the truth and the lies, the good and the bad in order to make informed decision whether that be for our own personal lives, pertaining to politics, or any decision you have to make. 

    Just like self-fulfillment promoting innovations is used every day or a common understanding everyone has when they are saying anything. Promoting innovations is somewhat personal to me. This is something that resonates very close to me because the list of values states under Promoting innovations “A community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society.” Being able to physically see the change that happens when someone does not hold back a thought or opinion that they feel so passionately about brings me joy. The passion of having this voice the fire that comes from speaking your own mind is what allows a person to be creative and become more energized. It is not only about what was said but about the community that has spoken about the same thing as well feeling a sense of belonging when something that has been running through a persons head and it is finally said. This is what drives a person to extraordinary individual within the society.
     I think this is so interesting because looking at the protests we have had, the walks, and the parades society as a whole has an amazing way of communicating and using their freedom of speech to create remarkable things. Even though all eight of these values pertain to the same thing they all have very different meanings that couldn't work without one another.

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