Monday, March 21, 2022

The Supreme Court

    I thought I knew enough about the supreme court and all branches of government but after reading the supreme court article I have found I didn’t know as much as I thought I did. One thing that really surprised me that I did not know already was the fact that the Supreme Court holds power over the other branches, and not only does it hold power the Supreme Court has jurisdiction over all of the laws that are in the united states. I had originally thought that the presidential branch of government was ultimately the one with the most power over the laws within the United States. This definitely makes sense that the supreme court holds the power over the laws and how constitutional they are instead of giving the power to one person you have a team of delegates who can vote fairly on the laws. 

    The most important key take away I believe to be about the supreme court is the fact that the media has kind of changed the view of how we the people see and understand the supreme court. In the video the justices speak about how the media will say “the supreme court today upheld, or the supreme court today ordered” when in reality the supreme court doesn’t make decisions such as this or this is not the way in which decisions are made. To me this seemed like a very important take away from the video because of how the media is altering the public’s view of how the supreme court works.

    While watching the video my thoughts of the supreme court changed. I originally did not know very much about the supreme court or any government branch for that matter. By watching this video and ready the article I was able to grasp a clear idea of what the supreme court actually does and not just think of the supreme court in a broad fashion. I feel like I have a lot of respect for the nine justices and the whole supreme court because of the work that is needed to hold that job. I feel as though that learning exactly how the supreme court works and processes really caused for some surprise. I was unaware that the Supreme Court is “the most powerful judicial body on earth” this seemed crazy to me because the federal court or presidential branch I thought held the most power.

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