Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Diffusions of Innovations

     The telephone was not so popular when they first came out data shows that for every 100 Americans there were about 2 telephones The first telephone had been released in the late 1800’s but by the 1920’s they were more so seen as an tool mainly for the wealthy. The first big influx of the telephone in American homes happened quite shortly, in the 1930’s telephone became more common in American home but because of the depression the numbers dropped. We can see a great increase of telephones in the 60’s and this is where we can see it being used not just by the wealthy but in middle class homes as well.

A big reason for the increase in numbers for the telephone was because of the drop in prices. Before companies started competing against the original patent of
Bell’s patent monopoly. Due to the key patent expiring many companies were able to create the technology for themselves thus making it a more affordable convenience. With the increase in independent companies and larger companies that were direct competitors of Bell’s more people were able to enjoy this technology. Most of the early adopters of this technology were the rich until it came out that the prices were more affordable with other small independent companies therefore the early adopter became middle and higher classes. This was for the reason 

    Some people were late adapters simply for the fact that it was somewhat pricey. As well as people being stuck in their ways, most people have gone their whole life without the need of a telephone and enjoy the older ways of communication better whether that be because they don’t know how to use the technology or they just simply do not see a need for it. There are some benefits to the telephone such as faster communication, better for businesses, and it also helped in the war. As always where there are positives there are also negatives. During the early stage, even now, there is lack of privacy, addiction (smart phones), party lines allowed for less privacy as multiple people could hear your conversations, and less face to face interactions.
    I believe that the positives of the telephone out way the negative, but not by much. I feel that the ability to have instant communication at your fingertips is amazing and life changing. I also feel that the telephone has created one of the biggest technological advances ever. The telephone went from a device people used to talk to each other to what we have now a small device with the ability to search the internet, text message, phone calls, send and receive money, play games, send emails, play games, etc. therefore I feel that the positives out way the negatives. Not because the negatives aren’t just as important, but they haven’t stopped this technology from advancing.

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