Thursday, April 7, 2022

A Learned Technology

     Carrier pigeons were quite interesting to learn about during the presentations. This was a system that used birds to send messages back and forth between two parties to either send discrete messages or simple communications. The way in which birds could be trained as well as how long they have been around is fascinating and people are still using this method in the present time as a hobby.

     While listening to the presentation I have found out that the carrier pigeon was first used by the Persians and Egyptians as a way of communication. The Persians found out that the birds would always come back to the places it was being fed so they decided to feed these birds in only two locations and when a message needed to be delivered to the other feeder they would tie a note around the bird’s ankle and let it fly away. Carrier pigeons were not just used for leisure messages but were also used for military functions. The birds could get from bunker to bunker so the military troops could keep in communication. 

            Although the carrier pigeon was a good way of communication back in the day it did come with some downsides. The birds were not always one to stay on course. The pigeons becoming lost was a big flaw in the system as well as them not being able to fly in certain weather conditions such as snow, rain, strong winds, etc. Something I found to be quite socking was sometimes people on the streets would steal the messenger birds.

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