Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Privacy Online & Off

     While I was watching the Ted Talk about police and the software that allows license plate tracking a such I was shock to hear that this was even allowed to happen. The fact that police and the government and who knows who else can do things like this, track your every move, know just about every part of your schedule seems unfathomable. This effects everyone because it gives a person zero privacy in their personal life. I feel as though it can now be almost impossible to drive down the road and not think about if some device or even person is watching me, tracking me, whatever it may be. It seems impossible to live a life thinking that there is complete privacy in our lives. 

    I feel that government should be doing everything in their power to uphold the right to privacy that we as Americans deserve but I don’t believe that the government is going to do anything because they are using this different software to their advantage as well according to Christopher Soghoian’s Ted Talk about avoiding surveillance. 

    To protect ourselves from invasions of privacy we need to limit the personal information that we release to social media platform or any public platform for that matter, companies can build more secure networks, use encrypted devices, update your devices to ensure that the highest security measures are available, and so much more. 

    There is so much that we can do as independents that will ensure these issues are happening less, ensuring that our privacy is protected. It is so important to understand the information that is being gathered by everyone about you every single day and it is also important to understand how breaches in security happen and learn how to prevent them from happening to you, loved ones, and close friends.

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