Thursday, April 7, 2022

Anti-War Voices

     I feel that we have not heard the voices of these anti-war writers such as Scott Horton, Daniel Larson, and Ray McGovern because the government does not want us to. We all have the right to freedom of speech to say what we want about whatever we want such as these writers do about being against the war and talking about the government and what they are hiding except the government wants to shield us from what they think would harm them. The government does not want their own people to know or turn against them for unconstitutional acts that they have started and this is just one reason that not many people nor myself have heard of these websites. I feel that it is unfair to the people not to hear these voices or have them more available to the public just like any news source is.

    Articles such as “Is Ukraine Worth risking Nuclear War” should be just as open to the public, it is not a swaying opinion trying to take the people of the United States to their side of being against war but rather sharing facts that are not given to the public. By giving these forgotten facts the anti-war writers are allowing the citizens to make their own choices with as much information as possible.

Having to seek out these websites just to hear the anti-war voices and the information that we may be missing by just watching the regular regulated news is most likely because this is not a regulated source. Anti-war voices are not trying to persuade people that what the United States is doing and the nuclear war that we could be brought into is a good thing because we are “helping.”

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